Hi there!
Hope spring has sprung where you are. It is lovely here today, but it looks like snow will make an appearance towards the weekend. <sigh> Just want to get out in the garden with the plants.
Updates on the Art Book:
Sent Off To Publishers…
I have two versions of the book re page background. One, plain white paper, Two, with intricate design. I am partial to the intricate design (of course) but don’t know how it will fly with publishers.
I am looking at doing a limited-edition folio as well, with signed & numbered art pieces. Thoughts?
Patience is a virtue, and I have learned a bit more about that with this project!
The Dark Gift:
This is part of a talk I gave at the Ashland Conference back in 2016.
Excerpt: The greatest gift as I perceive is what I call, The Dark Gift. The dark gift is the one that makes you work on yourself. Pain, is part of it, sadness, regret, anger and misunderstandings are also part of the gift. As one observes one’s self, as we examine these events and states and begin to let them go, and release others and ourselves from the various traumas etc. over time it will become apparent what the dark gift is about.
As the darkness helps to define light, so it is in the inner worlds. The gifts that these moments give us, helped to define and develop the individuations of the greater whole that we are.
I believe that we've the templates inside that has all of the instructions and ways to trigger parts of the self to become wholly integrated and healthy.
Physical labor (chop wood! Carry water!), talking to friends, counseling, and the inner work of releasing the personal & societal constructs and of course psychedelics are all part and partial to the whole echelon of practices that leads to liberation and integration. One must question all of the assumptions and programming. Question Everything, be relentless.
All of the tool’s work in concert, because ultimately, they point to the same goal:
As Lao Tzu said:
“ When I let go of what I am,
I become what I might be.”
In other words; liberation from thought forms, physical forms etc. In all of this be compassionate to the many versions of the self that make up you, and believe me, you are myriad within yourself.
Compassion is not holding on but releasing and letting go. Compassion for yourself and others is the great key, “We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.”
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion." - The Dalai Lama
Simplicity, patience, compassion, these are your greatest treasures. “Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends, and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself you reconcile all beings in the world." - Lao Tzu, again.
The task of parsing out the various memories, dealing with the traumas is the great one.
When I was still in my teens, I asked one of my teachers in the 4th way school I was attending "When will this task of working on myself be complete?" He laughed, shook his head and said:
'It will never be completed. The more you uncover, the more you will find to work on.'
I have found this to be sage words. I am now the age he was when he told me this. I have to admit it felt unfair at the time, but it's true. I am still working on clearing up what wells up inside of my consciousness. It is an ever-ongoing process, and it is a daily ritual if done right.
So, as artist then, how does this effect our vocation, our work, our creativity? There are some benefits to this undertaking, you will probably find your creativity will increase. This too is part of the process the more you clear up the greater the release of creative energy.
You will have to come to terms with this as sometimes you will be consumed with the fires that are being stoked by the action of releasing old constructs.
When this creative heat hits, use these times to learn to focus and stay on 1 task at a time or you will dissipate the energy.
The more focused, the more disciplined you are about keeping on task and completing your projects the freer your artistic self will become.
You will find along the way that you will have limitations. Everyone does, believe me. But here is a secret. Within those seeming limitations, are vast uncharted lands. This is a paradox, but very true, use your limitations as you find them to propel you forward to new and unique territories.
Think on this: Limitations are borders of vast unexplored dominions. Press hard against them, that action will fuel the fires of creativity within. That is what they are there for, not to hold you back, not to batten you down, but to make you become more aware of the inner landscapes, and to further master yourself.
Happy To Announce: Mike Crowley's wonderful book, "Psychedelic Buddhism" has been published!
Mike gave me the distinct honour of writing one of the Forewords (and featuring some of my art) along with Dr. Ben Sessa from the UK.
Congratulations Mike!
Folks, Buy This Book!
Order/Purchase Psychedelic Buddhism Here!
Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful:
What is better than singing, making music, and dancing together?
A Bright Blessing On You All…
Thank you Jenny, that is very kind!
Sometimes your posts are eerily, and wonderfully, just what I needed to read. Thank you.