Saturnalia - Gwyllm
Not A Regular Post: More of a catch up … This is indeed going to be a meander, as the whole end of the year had been a rush. So, it is a few items short of a story, but short stories/dreams included. I started this entry before Yule, just after Solstice.
I meant to write more during the holiday season but working on projects etc. got in the way. Had a couple of health hiccups as well, ending up in ER on New Years Day. Doing better now, thankfully.
The Three L’s:
The other night, on Solstice to be exact, I had what passes for an epiphany in my befuddled mind.
A phrase popped into my head: “The Three L’s”. The construct of this sloshed around a bit until it came into focus. It hit me when the focus honed in. Three Letters, Three Words:
Love. Laughter. Luck.
I puzzled over this for just a bit. Was it a message from the divine? Was the universe next door knocking and about to let me know the secret of the ancient masters? Was I tapping into a secret fount of knowledge? No, no and… no. Just my mind going back to Daoist studies and trying to simplify the whole process. I know I have plenty of the first 2, and yes, the last. Having survived for as long as I have, and to be surrounded by the wonderful beings that I am, indeed blessed. Even during difficult times these moments get me through it all. I think our wonderful community is the basis for all. There is always love in our lives. I give thanks for that. There is always laughter as well. And personally, I have had the most wonderful run of luck in my life in family, friends, and fellow travelers.
Two Dreams:
A Dream from the other week or so ago:
This dream involved a friend who post here on Substack, Dr. Con/Juris Gateless …
After a rollicking time of exploring countryside and various social situations…Juris (Dr.Con) and I came upon what appeared to be a Japanese Tea House, set in a lovely garden. We decided to go in, explore, enjoy a cup or two together.
Walking through the front door, we were startled to see a military officers gathering/conference on the ground floor with all of them sitting on cushions around a low table being served tea whilst looking ever so serious. Juris, another person and I went up the curving stairs to what was the upper landing. Up there we all sat around a small table on the floor, as was the custom.
As we sat a hostess came up with a tray, teapot, cups and to my surprise, Amanita Mushrooms. We shared tea, and then Juris consumed the first dose of Amanita, and I had the second dose. Our mysterious friend abstained. After consuming the mushroom, I went into a trance and woke to this world, pale sunlight streaming through the morning window. All is a hallucination I posit, a passing dream.
Another Dream - Once a Slave:
This was a strange one. Set back in time around 1540, in Mexico. I was working in a grand hacienda of the Spanish Conquistadores as an assistant to another native Nahuatl/Nahua Artist. We were engaged in creating murals in the style of the Azteca, for the pleasure of those who ran and owned the Hacienda and lands around… The work went on forever, but it was highly satisfying. I assisted with the paints, brushes etc., as well as painting when called upon. It was a pleasant experience. When the project ended, I was assigned to the stables and gardens. A most disappointing end IMO.
So… lots of dreams as of late. On the main lucid, I am waking most mornings with fairly good recall. I am always interested in what I am encountering in dream time. I have found dreams to reveal the inner workings of being, and in some cases to be precognitive of events and situations in the future. I’ve always wondered if this is common for everyone.
We are close to publishing The Invisible College #12. Wrapping it up this weekend. Some great stuff in what appears to be the last (yeah really) of this project.
Writings/Poetry from Whit Griffin, PD Newman, Kahlil Reda, Dalton Miller, the late Dale Pendell, and myself… Art from A.Andrew Gonzalez, Liba Stambollion, Martina Hoffmann, Carrie Ann Baade and others (The Visionary Tarot article!)
I believe it may be a real collector’s item, marking the full cycle of The Invisible College.
I will be taking a break from working on art via the computer for a while, there is a piece that I’ve been working on now for the last few months. Size wise it is pretty small, 18x24 inches, but as I am working in pointillism it is taking time. The airbrush and paintbrush are seriously calling. Hopefully when the (garage) Studio warms up.
Thanks for reading will be doing stories again soon.
I found this writing a personal essay, peeling into who you are. Dreams and life are intertwined, just as art mirrors life. You're an amazing human being who has touched so many, and with that, you'll never die...your essence will spin and twirl amongst the winds of time....touching and inspiring.