The "townies" here in Northern Minnesota act a lot like your Californians, either complete denial or a blood lust desire to exterpate wolves.

I told one "hunter" that instead of killing off wolves, those who claim to be hunters should learn to hunt and give up the latest and greatest fad in hunting junk. That went about as well as could be expected, which was almost like a match and a can of gasoline.

Thank you for the memory.

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I meant to reply earlier, but time slipped away from me.

I know a few hunters. Some are righteous, in that they hunt for food, helping supplement their larders. Then there are the others... I have never understood killing for killing sake. The shooting of Prairie Dogs, along with other species. Coyotes (an exception can be made for predation but that is still tenuous in my mind) as well as wolves have a distinct and needed place in the ecology. With the wasting disease now beating down deer herds, shows why predators are needed imo.

As I stated blood sport has never made sense to me. A taking of life whether animal, plant, fungi should seriously be contemplated.

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> It makes me wonder how much we actually miss in the day to day around us, often in plain sight.

Oh, that is so very very true. I like to think of myself as being quite observant to the world around me and whenever I am feeling a bit cocky, I have my nose rubbed in my obliviousness.

And thank you for the John Renbourn. A really sweet rendition of Scarborough Fair.

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I am always taken back by how much I can miss.

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Just had my cataracts removed which has helped enormously! 😳

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Glad to read! The surgery helped me immensely!


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